Thursday, May 3, 2012

Sheer Delight

Miss Shelby Wearing the Boden Inspired pink/blue piece.

Miss Kira wearing red and black silk rosettes with hackle feathers.
This doesn't really showcase the hair piece but I keep trying.  It is adorable and made up of burlap, gingham ribbon, fabric rosettes, pearls and red lace with brown ostrich feathers.  My girls now have coordinating hair pieces for every outfit, just about:))

Since the arrival of our second daughter and now one month since she's come home from a two month hospitalization, my concentration has been on my daughters.  The hair pieces I have acquired for samples only will be up for sale shortly as we off to pursue other fun ventures.

I will still be available to make custom pieces, ranging from wedding couture and garters to photoprops, or just plain old funky shabby chic pins or hair accessories for jackets, purses or anything you can think of to decorate.

Thanks for stopping by.


Monday, January 9, 2012

My Pretty Chapeau: Boden Inspired

My Pretty Chapeau: Boden Inspired: I have so many left over pieces of silk that I pulled some of my daughters' favorite Boden shirts out of the closet and started to play with...

Boden Inspired

I have so many left over pieces of silk that I pulled some of my daughters' favorite Boden shirts out of the closet and started to play with designs.  I made this recently during one of the deep freeze days and my picky daughter actually loved it and modeled without any bribes! 

It is really pretty and soft and I actually bent the long soft pink feathers and placed a few striped hackled feathers on top to give it more visual interest.  I don't think I would have used red and pink until Valentine's Day, but the touch of gorgeous blue and pristine white dupioni made for a rather elegant piece.  Of course it can be embellished with bling of any sort or covered in netting, but I thought for now let's see what you all think.  

I haven't even come up with a name for this pretty yet, but know that it's one of two pieces I will be displaying and selling until I have to take my youngest daughter to Maryland for her surgery. 

I have one ready to go and the price for this is only $25.00.  There are five silk rosettes, gorgeous feathers and tuille on it. I think it would look stunning for Senior Prom or on a newborn.  Just email me with preferences.  

© My Pretty Chapeau
CoffeeShop Designs